Dr. Gianluca Martone Dr.ssa Patrizia Pichierri
Dr. Gianluca Martone        Dr.ssa Patrizia Pichierri

Dr. Gianluca Martone

Il Dott. Gianluca Martone elenca nel suo curriculum 109 pubblicazioni su riviste nazionali ed internazionali e su libri. 

Di seguito sono elencate le pubblicazioni su riviste internazionali indicizzate (con impact factor) su PUBMED.


  1. Casprini F, Balestrazzi A, Tosi GM, Miracco F, Martone G, Cevenini G, Caporossi A. Glare disability and spherical aberration with five foldable intraocular lenses: a prospective randomized study. Acta Ophthalmol Scand. 2005 Feb;83(1):20-5.
  2. Hadjistilianou T, De Francesco S, Martone G, Malandrini A. Retinocytoma associated with calcified vitreous deposits. Eur J Ophthalmol. 2006 Mar-Apr;16(2):349-51.
  3. Traversi C, Martone G, Malandrini A, Tosi GM, Caporossi A. In vivo confocal microscopy in recurrent granular dystrophy in corneal graft after penetrating keratoplasty. Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2006 Nov;34(8):808-10.
  4. Martone G, Tommasi C, Traversi C, Balestrazzi A, Berni E, Nuti E, Tosi GM. Unilateral corneal endothelial dystrophy and anterior keratoconus. Eur J Ophthalmol. 2007 May-Jun;17(3):430-2.
  5. Balestrazzi A, Martone G, Traversi C, Haka G, Toti P, Caporossi A. Keratoconus associated with corneal macular dystrophy: in vivo confocal microscopic evaluation. Eur J Ophthalmol. 2006;16(5):745-50.
  6. Martone G, Casprini F, Traversi C, Lepri F, Pichierri P, Caporossi A. Pseudoexfoliation syndrome: in vivo confocal microscopy analysis. Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2007 Aug;35(6):582-5.
  7. Caporossi A, Martone G, Casprini F, Rapisarda L. Prospective randomized study of clinical performance of 3 aspheric and 2 spherical intraocular lenses in 250 eyes. J Refract Surg. 2007 Sep;23(7):639-48.
  8. Balestrazzi A, Malandrini A, Traversi C, Martone G, Caporossi A. Air-guided manual deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty: long-term results and confocal microscopic findings. Eur J Ophthalmol. 2007 Nov-Dec;17(6):897-903.
  9. Pichierri P, Martone G, Loffredo A, Traversi C, Polito E. In vivo confocal microscopy in a patient with conjunctival lymphoma. Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2008 Jan-Feb;36(1):67-9.
  10. Malandrini A, Martone G, Traversi C, Caporossi A. In vivo confocal microscopy in a patient with recurrent conjunctival intraepithelial neoplasia. Acta Ophthalmol. 2008 Sep;86(6):690-1.
  11. Balestrazzi A, Martone G, Pichierri P, Tosi GM, Caporossi A. Corneal invasion of ocular surface squamous neoplasia after clear corneal phacoemulsification: in  vivo confocal microscopy analysis. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2008 Jun;34(6):1038-43.
  12. Malandrini A, Balestrazzi A, Martone G, Tosi GM, Caporossi A. Diagnosis and management of traumatic cyclodialysis cleft. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2008 Jul;34(7):1213-6.
  13. Casprini F, Balestrazzi A, Tosi GM, Lazzarotto M, Malandrini A, Lepri F, Martone G, Caporossi T, Caporossi A. Optical aberrations in pseudophakic eyes after 2.5-mm Nd:YAG laser capsulotomy for posterior capsule opacification. J Refract Surg. 2008 Sep;24(7):702-6.
  14. Martone G, Alegente M, Balestrazzi A, Nuti E, Traversi C, Pichierri P, Tosi GM. In vivo confocal microscopy in bilateral herpetic keratitis: a case report. Eur J Ophthalmol. 2008;18(6):994-7.
  15. Martone G, Frezzotti P, Tosi GM, Traversi C, Mittica V, Malandrini A, Pichierri P, Balestrazzi A, Motolese PA, Motolese I, Motolese E. An in vivo confocal microscopy analysis of effects of topical antiglaucoma therapy with preservative on corneal innervation and morphology. Am J Ophthalmol. 2009 Apr;147(4):725-735.
  16. Caporossi A, Casprini F, Martone G, Balestrazzi A, Tosi GM, Ciompi L. Contrast sensitivity evaluation of aspheric and spherical intraocular lenses 2 years after implantation. J Refract Surg. 2009 Jul;25(7):578-90. 
  17. Tosi GM, Martone G, Balestrazzi A, Malandrini A, Alegente M, Pichierri P. Visual field loss progression after macular hole surgery. J Ophthalmol. 2009;2009:617891.
  18. Frezzotti P, Mittica V, Martone G, Motolese I, Lomurno L, Peruzzi S, Motolese E. Longterm follow-up of diode laser transscleral cyclophotocoagulation in the treatment of refractory glaucoma. Acta Ophthalmol. 2010 Feb;88(1):150-5. 
  19. Martone G, Pichierri P, Franceschini R, Moramarco A, Ciompi L, Tosi GM, Balestrazzi A. In vivo confocal microscopy and anterior segment optical coherence tomography in a case of alternaria keratitis. Cornea. 2011 Apr;30(4):449-53. 
  20. Polito E, Pichierri P, Trivella F, Martone G, Occhini R. Orbital teratoma masquerading as lymphangioma. J AAPOS. 2011 Aug;15(4):381-3. 
  21. Nuti E, Traversi C, Marigliani D, Balestrazzi A, Alegente M, Martone G, Malandrini A, Romeo N, Mazzotta C, Tosi GM. Treatment of macular edema because of occlusive vasculitis with bevacizumab (avastin): efficacy of three consecutive monthly injections. Retina. 2011 Oct;31(9):1863-70.
  22. Balestrazzi A, Malandrini A, Montagnani F, Nguisseu Chegoua GL, Ciompi L, Zanchi A, Tosi GM, Martone G, Motolese I, Fruschelli M. Phacoemulsificator and sterile drapes contamination during cataract surgery: a microbiological study. Eur J Ophthalmol. 2012 Mar-Apr;22(2):188-94.
  23. Tosi GM, Marigliani D, Bacci T, Romeo N, Balestrazzi A, Martone G, Caporossi T. F6H8 as an Intraoperative Tool and F6H8/Silicone Oil as a Postoperative Tamponade in Inferior Retinal Detachment with Inferior PVR. J Ophthalmol. 2014;2014:956831.
  24. Tosi GM, Marigliani D, Bacci T, Balestrazzi A, Martone G, Polito MS. Impact of intraoperative topical hydroxypropyl methylcellulose 2% versus sodium hyaluronate 1.2% on corneal reepithelialization after intentional epithelial debridement during vitrectomy. Cornea. 2014 Sep;33(9):942-5.
  25. Traversi C, Nuti E, Marigliani D, Cevenini G, Balestrazzi A, Martone G, Caporossi T, Tosi GM. Forty-two-month outcome of intravitreal bevacizumab in myopic choroidal neovascularization. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2015 Apr;253(4):511-7.
  26. Malandrini A, Martone G, Canovetti A, Menabuoni L, Balestrazzi A, Fantozzi C,  Lenzetti C, Fantozzi M. Morphologic study of the cornea by in vivo confocal microscopy and optical coherence tomography after bifocal refractive corneal inlay implantation. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2014 Apr;40(4):545-57.
  27. Balestrazzi A, Malandrini A, Martone G, Marigliani D, Caporossi T, Tosi GM. Capsule contraction syndrome with a microincision foldable hydrophilic acrylic intraocular lens: two case reports and review of the literature. Case Rep Ophthalmol. 2014 Oct 16;5(3):329-35.
  28. Balestrazzi A, Baiocchi S, Balestrazzi A, Cartocci G, Tosi GM, Martone G, Michieletto P. Mini-incision cataract surgery and toric lens implantation for the reduction of high myopic astigmatism in patients with pellucid marginal degeneration. Eye (Lond). 2015 May;29(5):637-42.
  29. Malandrini A, Martone G, Menabuoni L, Catanese AM, Tosi GM, Balestrazzi A, Corsani C, Fantozzi M. Bifocal refractive corneal inlay implantation to improve near vision in emmetropic presbyopic patients. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2015 Sep;41(9):1962-72.
  30. Tosi GM, Baiocchi S, Balestrazzi A, Martone G, Marigliani D, Neri G, Caporossi T. Corneal Complications During and After Vitrectomy for Retinal Detachment in Photorefractive Keratectomy Treated Eyes. Medicine (Baltimore). 2015 Dec;94(50):e2215.
  31. Tosi GM, Bacci T, Tarantello A, Martone G, Traversi C, Marigliani D, Cevenini G, Virgili G. Corneal Subbasal Nerve Density and Sensitivity After Pars Plana Vitrectomy Using Contact or Noncontact Wide-Angle Viewing Systems. Cornea. 2018 Sep;37(9):1130-1137.
  32. Tosi GM, Martone G, Bacci T, Tarantello A, Baiocchi S, Marigliani D, Cevenini  G, Menicacci F, Virgili G, Massaro-Giordano G. Long-term evaluation of corneal sub-basal nerve recovery after photorefractive keratectomy and influence of pars plana vitrectomy. J Cell Physiol. 2019 May;234(5):7459-7466.
  33. Cagini C, Torroni G, Mariniello M, Di Lascio G, Martone G, Balestrazzi A. Trehalose/sodium hyaluronate eye drops in post-cataract ocular surface disorders. Int Ophthalmol. 2021 Sep,41(9):3065-3071.
  34. Balestrazzi A, Di Maggio A, Michieletto P, Martone G, Balestrazzi A. Temporary kerato-prosthesis to resolve traumatic loss of a healed corneal button. Case Rep Ophthalmol. 2021 Apr 16;12(1):254-258.
  35. Martone G, Balestrazzi A, Ciprandi G, Balestrazzi A. Alpha-glycerylphosphorycholine and D-Panthenol eye drops in patients undergoing cataract surgery. J Ophthalmol 2022 Jun 7;2022:1951014.

* Se fossi interessato ad avere una delle pubblicazioni non esitare a richiederla via-email

Dr.ssa Patrizia Pichierri

1: Burroni L, Borsari G, Pichierri P, Polito E, Toscano O, Grassetto G, Al-NahhasA, Rubello D, Vattimo AG. Preoperative Diagnosis of Orbital Cavernous Hemangioma:A 99mTc-RBC SPECT Study. Clin Nucl Med. 2012 Nov;37(11):1041-6. PubMed PMID: 23047756.


2: Polito E, Pichierri P, Trivella F, Martone G, Occhini R. Orbital teratomamasquerading as lymphangioma. J AAPOS. 2011 Aug;15(4):381-3. PubMed PMID:21907123.


3: Martone G, Pichierri P, Franceschini R, Moramarco A, Ciompi L, Tosi GM,Balestrazzi A. In vivo confocal microscopy and anterior segment optical coherencetomography in a case of alternaria keratitis. Cornea. 2011 Apr;30(4):449-53.PubMed PMID: 21099420.


4: Martone G, Frezzotti P, Tosi GM, Traversi C, Mittica V, Malandrini A,Pichierri P, Balestrazzi A, Motolese PA, Motolese I, Motolese E. An in vivoconfocal microscopy analysis of effects of topical antiglaucoma therapy withpreservative on corneal innervation and morphology. Am J Ophthalmol. 2009Apr;147(4):725-735.e1. Epub 2009 Feb 1. PubMed PMID: 19181302.


5: Tosi GM, Martone G, Balestrazzi A, Malandrini A, Alegente M, Pichierri P.Visual field loss progression after macular hole surgery. J Ophthalmol.2009;2009:617891. Epub 2010 Jan 13. PubMed PMID: 20339458; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC2836818.


6: Martone G, Alegente M, Balestrazzi A, Nuti E, Traversi C, Pichierri P, TosiGM. In vivo confocal microscopy in bilateral herpetic keratitis: a case report.Eur J Ophthalmol. 2008 Nov-Dec;18(6):994-7. PubMed PMID: 18988174.


7: Balestrazzi A, Martone G, Pichierri P, Tosi GM, Caporossi A. Corneal invasion of ocular surface squamous neoplasia after clear corneal phacoemulsification: in vivo confocal microscopy analysis. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2008Jun;34(6):1038-43. PubMed PMID: 18499017.


8: Pichierri P, Martone G, Loffredo A, Traversi C, Polito E. In vivo confocalmicroscopy in a patient with conjunctival lymphoma. Clin Experiment Ophthalmol.2008 Jan-Feb;36(1):67-9. PubMed PMID: 18290956.


9: Martone G, Casprini F, Traversi C, Lepri F, Pichierri P, Caporossi A.Pseudoexfoliation syndrome: in vivo confocal microscopy analysis. Clin ExperimentOphthalmol. 2007 Aug;35(6):582-5. PubMed PMID: 17760643.


10: Polito E, Pichierri P, Occhini R, Loffredo A, Moramarco A, Balestrazzi A.Orbital metastasis associated with primary breast carcinoma in a man detectedduring peribulbar anesthesia for cataract surgery. Eur J Ophthalmol. 2008Nov-Dec;18(6):1031-3. PubMed PMID: 18988185.

11: Polito E, Pichierri P, Loffredo A, Moramarco A, Occhini R. Inflammatorymyofibroblastic tumor of the orbit. Ophthalmologica. 2007;221(5):353-5. Review.PubMed PMID: 17728559.

12: Polito E, Burroni L, Pichierri P, Loffredo A, Vattimo AG. Technetium tc99m-labeled red blood cells in the preoperative diagnosis of cavernous hemangiomaand other vascular orbital tumors. Arch Ophthalmol. 2005 Dec;123(12):1678-83.PubMed PMID: 16344439.

13: Polito E, Pichierri P, Loffredo A, Lasorella G. A case of primary botryoidconjunctival rhabdomyosarcoma. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2006Apr;244(4):517-9. Epub 2005 Sep 3. PubMed PMID: 16151784.

14: Zinzani PL, Alinari L, Stefoni V, Loffredo A, Pichierri P, Polito E.Rituximab in primary conjunctiva lymphoma. Leuk Res. 2005 Jan;29(1):107-8. PubMedPMID: 15541482.

15: Loré F, Polito E, Cerase A, Bracco S, Loffredo A, Pichierri P, Talidis F.Carotid cavernous fistula in a patient with Graves' ophthalmopathy. J ClinEndocrinol Metab. 2003 Aug;88(8):3487-90. PubMed PMID: 12915622.

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© Dr. Gianluca Martone - Dr.ssa Patrizia Pichierri